I have been REALLY struggling with the writing since the election.
I had all these grand plans for what I was going to crank out of my brain for the month. There are a number of Harold and Sallie stories written that just need tweaking and a few that are in progress.
As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been wanting to start a new serialized story about a modernish day princess and her ladies maid and the adventures they have when they start exploring the castle they live in. I’ve got about three stories almost done before I start letting them loose on this platform.
I’ve got a few other half baked story ideas that I’m slowly, oh so fucking slowly trying to work on. I don’t know if I’ll submit those or post them on here.
I’ve also been on a small submitting spree. While I’m frustrated that there are stories that haven’t found homes yet, (a few have hit the 30 times rejected mark) I’m stubborn and will keep trying. I keep re tweaking these stories, adding or subtracking a word/phrase or two to make a story flow better.
There are a few lit mags that I’m frustrated with because they have rejected pretty much everything I’ve written. I know it’s so much about luck, it’s a numbers game, yadda yadda, I just have to keep trying.
For my mental health, I am swimming four or five days a week. I started swimming in mid September to lose the weight, but it’s also really been for my mental and emotional health, even more so since the election.
I’m just having a HUGE BRAIN FART when it comes to getting what’s in my head to putting it on Word. I’ve maybe written just under 1k words total in the past three weeks.
I’ll end this on a bright note, we got our Feline Overlords a new house, which they seem to love.